Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Declan's Birth Day

I guess this is going to bring the blog to a bit of a close. I hate when they drop off the map entirely, but I'm not ready to start a new blog or anything. So I might just do some periodic updates every month or so. Thanks for following/reading! It's been a fun experience for me. Now, when farmers across the globe get knocked up, I hope they can find some good reads in my blog, or they start their own. Power to the pregnant farmer!

Well, you all know I had a cold the week of my due date, etc. So I wasn't really feeling going into labor until that cleared up. The universe, however, had baby-birthing plans for me. We went to our prenatal check-up the morning of the 4th, my due date. She swept the membranes, which basically is sweeping a finger around the cervix (ouch!) to separate the membranes around the baby from the cervix. This releases hormones called prostaglandins which may kick-start your labor. We didn't want to do anything too drastic since I was sick, but she said it really just gets things going in the right direction, it doesn't induce labor.

Well, by 9 PM that night my labor had started. Early labor is supposed to be a breeze from what I've heard... not for me. It was intense from the beginning, not something I could sleep through or ignore. We were up all night, trying to get through the contractions, waiting for them to get close enough together to call the Birth Center (TBC) and head over there. We didn't get to TBC until 7 AM, and things were still moving pretty slow. I was exhausted, and dehydrated; I couldn't keep any fluids down. They gave me an IV to hydrate me, and some anti-nausea drug. I got checked the day before at the appointment, and at 7 AM and 9 AM the morning of the 5th. My dilation wasn't changing much. I was suffering. They suggested if things didn't start to move by 11 AM, we consider more fluids, and something to help me sleep. That way Gerard and I could retap our energy for what lay ahead.

However, again, the universe had different plans. We were to have this baby cracked out from sleep deprivation. By 11 AM, I was 4-5 cm dilated, moving into active labor. Which was really okay by me; labor stopping seemed unproductive to me at that point. Our friends Sue and Aby came at around 1 PM maybe, which changed the energy for the better. Though I, was still suffering. I could barely talk to them, couldn't really focus on what was going on besides contractions. Beginning, middle, and end I felt I could not handle it. It was too intense. But everyone cheered me on and I got through it, miraculously. Thankfully my active labor was pretty fast (didn't feel that way to me, but...), as was the pushing stage. And everyone said I was like a rockstar... knew exactly what to do, so strong, etc. I didn't feel like one, and but it was nice to hear. I guess at the very end, I felt a little bit like a rockstar. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel, and I got really excited to bring it home!

Bottom line: SO SO MUCH harder than I ever could have anticipated. Not sure if I would want to endure something like that ever again. But completely amazing and awesome. I watched, in a squat, while I brought my son into the world. I saw his head and body come out and Gerard helped catch him and cut the cord, etc. It was completely fascinating and totally surreal. And they passed my gorgeous blue baby (don't worry, he pinked up fast) to me for skin-to-skin contact and no words can really describe it.

Since we've been home it's been so great and so challenging. I'm not fully recovered yet, physically, and the whole thing is so life-changing and emotional. Gerard took off for 2 weeks, which has been so nice. We're all working at this together, getting to know each other, and fall even more in love. A part of me is sad, closing a chapter of my prior life (my relationship with Ger, my pregnancy and that unique connection I had with Declan, how things will change with friends, work, etc.) And the new chapter, with different sleep schedules, breastfeeding, a whole new amazing being in our life, can be daunting at times. So many big big changes. I almost felt a bit of an identity crisis of sorts. But it's just all so wonderful. And we just take it one day at a time.

Welcome to the world, Declan! We love you so much!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Haha! I can't believe my last post was "Bored" and I went on about how noone ever has the baby on the due date, etc. I went into labor that night! Who knew?!

I want to write more, about our experience Thursday night into Friday and since we've brought Declan home, but alas, I need to wait until I have the time. I'm a new momma with a simply irresistable baby on her hands!

In the meantime,
the piece de resistance...


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Being home sick is boring! I've been told to take off tomorrow as well so that's what I'm going to do and I got some books at the library which should help but when you don't feel like reading, and you can't nap, and there's never anything on t.v... what to do?! I have this list of things to do before baby but they all require a little too much effort.

I was saying to Gerard that being sick and getting out of school when you were younger was more fun. I don't know if I'm romanticizing it, but I don't think you felt as bad and you were out of school and you could play games with your grandmom or mom or whoever was taking care of you that day, be waited on hand and foot, etc. My mom did come yesterday and took very good care of me, which I am ever so grateful for, but we did not play Memory or Chutes & Ladders. =)

And of course, how could I not mention the haps with the baby? I'm trying to get well fast before he/she comes. Had my 40 week check-up today. All well. Still head down, baby likely dropped a couple weeks ago. He/she's very low in the pelvis, and the abdominal measurements have decreased a bit the past couple of weeks.

Today is the due date! But less than 5% of women have their babes on their due dates. (Also, only about 5% of women have their water break before labor, which was a surprise to me.) Again, the focus is just on getting well, and not really rushing this too much. It happens when it's meant to happen, when the baby and my body are ready. And technically you're not considered late until 42 weeks, that is when you'd likely be induced at the hospital. Not that we're going to wait that long to get this business going, just saying is all. =)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I thought I was out of the woods, but now the cold seems to be worse and I've lost a lot of sleep the past 2 nights. This pic describes it all. Yuck.
Staying home today, going to try to sleep more... get tons of fluids, vitamin C, immune and respiratory tonics, etc.
Please no baby while it's this bad! I didn't think I'd be wishing for things to go late, but this weekend or next week might be best given how I feel...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

4 days!

Still no baby, for those of you who may have been wondering. I have gotten a little cold. I've heard cold or flu symptoms sometimes come on before labor, but I'm probably just a little sick. =)

Amy, one of the farm employees, finished her time with us on Friday. We'll miss her, she was a lot of fun and a great asset on the farm! And then there were three on the farm: Aby and me, and Adam. I will cut back hours quite a bit next week which should feel amazing. Then even if I go a week or more late, I'll be resting more and working less, which is good. But I'll still be active, outdoors, and around people, which I prefer to being home alone nonstop while waiting for the big day to announce itself. I'll keep y'all posted!

Monday, October 25, 2010

9 days!

I can't believe the countdown says 9 days! I remember when it was 100, and I thought that was so little! This is insane. But when?! When will the baby actually come? It wasn't on the full moon like we thought it might be. Tonight? Doubt it. 2 weeks after the due date (I hope not!)? On Halloween? That is what one of the ultrasound technicians said but I didn't buy that. Although a Halloween baby would be fun. I don't think you usually have the baby on your predicted due date (Nov. 4th). Only time will tell....

Can I survive work up until the bitter end? I think so... but it's seeming harder all the time, even when I'm taking it easy. I'm so short of breath and tire easily. And the pubic symphysis pain is really over the top. But still, I don't want to use up maternity time pre-baby. Especially if I were to take off a week before the due date or something, and then go late, I would lose so much time with the baby after. I think I can! I think I can!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Boo! Hiss!

Another less than ideal benefits meeting at work. Time off benefits will be reduced in the next 2 years. And if I go part-time, as I was planning, I may have no holidays off. Even in winter, when a farmer doesn't have quite as much to do on Christmas day as they may during the growing season. But I may still have to go in, or take off and not get paid. Hmmm....

I'm so overwhelmed by all the changes that are going to happen. New baby, change to part-time status, changes in benefits that my employer is enacting. Again, may I say, it is not easy to decide what to do when you're starting a family. Gerard and I both have been working full-time, yet we understand the importance of being with and breastfeeding baby in the early months/years! and want to experience that and enjoy it fully. How to balance these financial needs with new family needs?

And what's the deal with the U.S. apparently being totally behind the times when it comes to paid maternity/paternity leave when compared with industrialized (and some non-industrialized) countries worldwide, in regards to both pay, and duration of time off? A 2010 NPR factoid states that the U.S. is the only industrialized nation that doesn't offer paid leave for parents of newborns, which can lead many new parents into poverty or cause many women to quit their jobs. See other links below.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Most people have been saying we're having a boy, based on how I carry, dreams they've had, or just how they feel or what they want.

And a lot of people have been saying my baby will be small b/c I've remained so small. But I still thought I'd have a good 8 pounder or so. I don't know why. Just thought I'd grow a big baby.

Today the midwife gave a guess based on feel... and she said she thought the babe might be 5.5 or 6 lbs! Ha!! That's so tiny! She said it'd be a little bigger by birth, but I've heard that babies don't grow that much more in the last few weeks. I'm not sure I'm really feeling her guesstimate, even though it could make labor easier. That just seems so small!

The other option is that I'm just really good at hiding a bigger baby, which is what I've been thinking. But who knows?! Speculating is fun. Had I gone with my gut, no outside influences, I would have said I thought it was going to be a girl (I think?!), around 8 lbs. and born before my due date. I just asked Gerard. He says boy, 7 lbs., and early as well. We'll keep you posted. =)

Hump Day's Always a Good Day

For those of you who don't know, Wednesday is called hump day b/c you've gotten over the hump of the workweek. You're now more than 1/2 way done! Always a good day in my book.

I wasn't so "down in the dumps" today... and I'll tell you a lot of it has to do with my attitude/mindset, but also how I've slept and the weather. Both were good, last night and today.

Excited to go to my prenatal. And hoping the Phils pull it off tonight, as they weren't able to last night!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

False Alarm

I thought I might be going into labor last night; got kind of excited even though I knew it was possibly probably a false alarm. Just some silly abdominal pains or something. Or more painful Braxton Hicks. Tired today, not that thrilled with the world, especially with the dismal weather. I feel like no one understands where I'm coming from/how I feel these days. I just need to stay positive... enjoy my time with Gerard pre-baby, be patient.

We're meeting with pediatrician today... the Birth Center wants you to set up a relationship with a ped prior to having the baby. We'll see how that goes.

Arghh... at the very least I hope the Phils win tonight. That would help. =)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rainy Cherry Happy

This morning the baby and I weren't really that excited about the rain.
It started out to be such a nice morning, clear, sunny, cool.
It just felt like the rain put a damper on things.
But in the afternoon, for some reason, we changed our minds.
It felt like an adventure to go out in my green rainsuit and boots.
And I remembered lots of great rainy walks in the woods
with my mom and brother growing up.
I asked the baby if he/she liked doing what we were doing.
I think it was an affirmative.
We were pulling out old tomatillo and cherry tomato plants from the U-Pick.
Even though they're past their prime, there was still good snackin' on the cherries.
And the colors of the Sungolds are just so vibrant,
especially in the rain, things are more vivid.
Amy wasn't as keen on the cold wet afternoon.
But I still had a good time, working quietly at times.
And chatting and laughing with Amy and Aby at times.
I love what I do, even when it's crappy out and I hate it.
And I love my co-workers.
And my most of all, I love my little cherry tomato.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dinner with the Pregnant Farmer

Tonight Gerard is away, so I'm trying to make something healthy-ish for myself (haven't been inspired to cook much on my own lately, or eat much in the way of veggies).

I have created my own dish (barefoot by the way):

Eggplant and green tomatoes in stewed tomatoes with pine nuts and some spices, over some homefries. Side salad of lettuce mix and Asian greens. Pretty healthy, with a lot of farm fresh veggies. Will probably definitely do ice cream with some of the chocolate chip cookies we baked on Sunday too though. No regrets.

Now, I'll put my feet up and watch some "Skins."

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Migrant Mother

Still having problems finding photographs/accounts of pregnant farm women. Especially uplifting ones.
These photos (by Dorthea Lange) are from Mar. 1936, at a pea pickers camp in CA. Failed pea crop that year... they were eating frozen vegetables from the field and birds the kids kiilled. Migrant mom, Florence Owens Thompson, age 32, with 7 hungry children.

Feeling lucky to have all that I have. Although this was a long long time ago, many migrant farmers/farm workers and their familes in this country and worldwide are hungry, sick, mistreated, underpaid, etc. I feel blessed that my husband and I are both educated, have job security, good quality of life, and can provide for our new baby. Sometimes I think it's going to be too hard financially, etc. but it's all relative. Gotta keep things in perspective.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Still Head Down!

Another appointment today... our sweet munchkin is still in the right position! So proud of that little one.
Sun came out today... that was also really nice. Beautiful day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010



Talk about a world of hurt. I learned about symphysis pubic disfunction a while back, and have been experiencing symptoms, but they're getting worse. Definitely can't put pants on standing up, roll over in bed, etc. I have to try the exercises the chiro showed me.

Was also getting more sciatic pain at work Friday, really sharp pains down my right side and they got so bad at home. Not even walking, just sitting, my leg was just cramping up so bad.

I never knew how physically challenging being pregnant was. Pregnant women deserve a lot of credit, and support. This doesn't mean they have to be babied 24/7, but they deserve a lot of credit and compassion. And babying when needed. =) When I first got pregnant, some people wanted to do everything for me... it made me feel silly, because I was still me, I wasn't sick or hurt. I think it is great how strong I've remained and how much I can still do physically. Pregnant women shouldn't feel like they have to stop doing everything they're used to doing. Just be aware that things will change, often drastically, especially as the pregnancy progresses.

The list of symptoms during pregnancy is endless. Sciatic pain, back pain, swelling, foot pain, hemmoroids, heartburn, fatigue, shortness of breath, constipation, frequent urination, headaches, insomnia, etc. And these are relatively common, not the exception. By the end of the pregnancy, you are circulating 50% more blood through your system. This has a pretty significant effect on the body. Not to mention your hormones are out of control. I feel lucky to have remained smaller, and in shape, but am still experiencing many of these symptoms. I think a lot of people just think you get morning sickness in the first trimester, and then it's all good. Being pregnant is really really hard. HUGE, AMAZING THINGS are happening to, and changing your body. I don't mean to complain, just want to share. Because I was pretty naive about it prior to having gone through it.

Anyway, I still need to take it back a notch at work I think. I have heard, and am starting to realize, how much more difficult this last month can be. Ay dios mio.

On a lighter note, Gerard and I went on a date in the city last night. Celebrating our anniversary belatedly. We went to Osteria for dinner, which was great, and then a movie at the Ritz. It was so fun. We never go on dates anymore, and probably won't anytime soon. I felt beautiful and we laughed so much. I love my baby daddy.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ways to Describe Me

Yesterday I got called "skinny as a rail" and "tough as nails."
Also I think "strong as a bull."

I liked being called all those things.
Especially the ones that rhyme;
they made me want a song/rap to be written about me.
Any takers?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Flip it Like a Flapjack!

Yeah!!!! The baby flipped!! We weren't sure; we were doing all the exercises: anything and everything we could to encourage it to go head down. The baby was moving around a lot, and I thought I may have noticed some changes that might indicate a flip, but we were having trouble figuring what was the head and what was the butt and we didn't know if we should keep doing the exercises to encourage a flip or stop.

So I went for a quick check at the birth center and they confirmed by feeling head/butt, as well as ultrasound. The head is most definitively down. The one midwife high-fived me (yes!) and we were all so happy! I can cancel the appointment with the specialist. It is not likely that the baby will do any 180s at this point... I can get a belly band to further stabilize things down there. Thanks so much to everyone for your support, advice, what-have-you. SO HAPPY SO HAPPY SO HAPPY!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

hello again

today was much improved. the weather was nice, though we're really supposed to get hit hard with rain tonight and tomorrow. had a good talk with abbers. took it easy. there was a good crew of volunteers and workshares out to help today.

AND... we had an employee picnic, complete with water balloon toss, pictionary, and all sorts of other fun games and door prizes. unfortunately i didn't win any cash prizes or anything else really, but it was a lot of fun. and there was birch beer and water ice and all sorts of other junk to get the baby moving in my belly.

finishing the day off with a good chiro session and will shortly head to yoga class. hasta luego.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


had a lovely 4 day weekend down the shore with old friends from college. hadn't all been together in 6 years!! mostly great weather, lots of relaxing.

today i was back to work and it felt kind of crappy. i was excited to go back, but it didn't feel good. combo of bad weather, body aches and pains, and feeling like i need to step back from some of the physical work but not feeling comfortable in doing that. i have been going so strong still, and feel good, but everything is getting harder. and will continue to i assume. plus, i need to stay out of positions that encourage the baby to stay breeched (typical farming positions like squatting, bending, lifting, great!).

i'm getting a little bit emotionally and physically exhausted and thought my trip away was the ticket to some rejuvenation. oh well. perhaps tomorrow my spirits will lift again.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


*breech! frank breech! the midwife told me my sweet angel babe is frank breech and we gotsta get to flipping the lil' one asap. i panicked... i'm better now. but still obsessing a bit.
*basically the further along we go, the less space there will be for the baby to flip, and we want the baby in a nice head down position for the last weeks of pregnancy. frank breech is a bit harder for the baby to flip out of because he/she has to somersault over the legs also.
*what's the big deal you ask? not many people will deliver a breeched baby vaginally, and the midwives at the birth center definitely will not. i was hoping to avoid a hospital birth and wanted to deliver the baby vaginally. so we'll just have to see what we can do and see how this whole thing evolves.
*i have exercises to do, that should help move the babies butt out of the pelvic floor area and encourage it to turn over. i am also seeing a chiropractor that has helped women with breeched babies... with something called the webster technique. i'm consulting with my acupuncturist friend, and prenatal yoga teacher. and then throwing in some positive visualization, talking to the baby to let him/her know what we're hoping for, etc. some people even do things with a flashlight or music lower on the abdomen to encourage the baby to follow the light/sound. one of the craziest things was to put an ice pack on the top of the belly, near where the head is... i guess to give the baby brain freeze and make it move away from the cold, i don't know!?!
*like i said, i am obsessing a little bit. but trying to remain calm and go with the flow. wish me luck. and send good energy and thoughts to the baby so that he/she and ger and i will all have a smooth, healthy labor and birth. head down head down head down!
*btw, i can't seem to get returns between paragraphs, or tabs. so i've resorted to asterisks.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Crane Mobile

I mentioned in an earlier post the mobile of my dreams that Aby and Sue made for me. I finally took some pics so you can see how beautiful it is.

Farm Shower!

Saturday night they threw me a surprise 2nd shower at the farm! What great friends and fam. I think I acted like a total wierdo when I walked in and everyone yelled surprise. I was a bit cranky at the time, and then I think it took me a while to realize what was going on. I tried to run away, but Tom stopped me. =) It was so nice though... I feel so loved! Great food, great gifts, great company. A beautiful night with the moon lighting up the sky. Yay! Thanks y'all.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Some of My Other Babies

Bok Choi

Yukina Savoy and Tokyo Bekana

Yukina Savoy


Here's hoping these gorgeous fall greens
keep doing as beautifully as they are now...
Great week all in all. Feeling blessed.
Phenomenal weather, farm field day today, 3rd wedding anniversary, etc.
Still hoping to post pics from baby shower... patience...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Baby Showers and Rain Showers

Perfect weekend. Baby shower with gorgeous weather on Saturday and a nice quiet rainy morning Sunday. (The farm is thankful for that.) And we are so thankful for an amazing baby shower! It's so great to feel so loved, and get all this awesome baby loot... we're getting so exited! Gerard and I have been "nesting" this weekend too... setting up the crib, washing sheets and baby clothes, making space for him/her. I think they'll like it here in our little 1 bedroom... it's cozy and sweet. I reframed these sweet animal prints and we have one mobile hung over the changing area and the best gift EVER... a handmade mobile with origami cranes will go over the crib! That's from Sue and Aby, two of my nearest and dearest. I saw something a while back and said I wanted to make a baby mobile based off it, but never found the time/energy to do it. But the girls did it for me and it is so lovely! Hope to post so pics of it, and the shower in the next couple of days. And then photos with our NEW CAMERA, also one of the best gifts ever! Not to mention the top-of-the-line breast pump, etc. etc. etc. We are so so grateful. Love!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fun on the Farm

Today, after lunch, we put a blanket on the ground inside the bean teepee and Aby, Adam, Amy and I all laid down, stretched out, and relaxed. Gazing up at the beans on the trellising, and the sky coming through, on this beautiful mid-70 degree day. It was our one moment of just sitting still, and enjoying something, and each other. At least for me it was. And it was simply wonderful. Next time, we just have to remember the corn ice cream and the "No Dogs Allowed!" sign.

Pea in My Pod

In the waiting room at the birth center yesterday
I was perusing Anne Gedde's book, Pure: My Pregnancy Journal.
There are lots of photos of moms and babies, simulating the baby in the womb. It was really fascinating. I sort of had this "Aha!" moment, realizing how there really is a little baby in me, kind of all just smushed up in there.
It's hard to believe, especially considering how compact I've remained.
But he/she's really in there. Just trying to make some room for his/herself.
Not too concerned about how it's affecting my bladder or ribs or muscles.
I guess he/she thinks I don't seem too concerned about them either,
all smushed and smashed in there. Poor baby. I LOVE YOU!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back to the Grind

Not looking forward to going back tomorrow.

The weekend was nice; unfortunately my allergies were out of control and I feel a bit headache-y/out of sorts even now. But at least I wasn't doing ANYTHING. Went on a nice boatride to brunch with the in-laws today... really really pretty day. Beautiful weekend overall. Just those damn sinuses causin' trouble.

LOOOooong day tomorrow and Friday. But at least it's only a 4-day week and I have my baby shower to look forward to this weekend.

Friday, September 3, 2010

R and R

Going down the shore for Labor Day weeekend. So happy. Just need to get the last of our stuff together and get on the road. YaY! The pregnant farmer takes a vacay!

FYI, I'm now 31 weeks pregnant, and the baby is around 18" and somewhere around 4 pounds. He/she has been very active lately, but soon the baby will start running out of room and not be able to wind up before hitting or kicking me. I'll still feel movement, just not as severe. And hopefully the baby will settle into anterior head-down position in the next few weeks, and stay there, ready to come into the world like the little angel they are. =)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hace Calor

What we accomplished today, in the 95 degree heat:

Harvested 2 big tubs of chard, and 2 big tubs of kale/collards.
Planted a bed of bok choi and other Asian greens.
Harvested 134 heads of lettuce.
Harvested 5 rows of tomatoes (almost 1000 plants)
Seeded a bed of arugula.
Moved and set up irrigation.
Washed and cooled all produce, sorted tomatoes.
Prepared the share room.
Ate lunch.
Did office work.
Thinned kale.
Seeded a bed of spinach and a bed of lettuce mix.
Seeded 2 beds of peas.
Turned compost.
Covered newly planted bed with row cover.
I'm sure I'm missing a few things.

Now I'm home, feel like I can't do anything.
Seriously, showering is a chore.
And I can't stop eating jelly beans.
I can't imagine how much sugar I just consumed.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 97 degrees.
Pray for us. =)
And if you see me in the grocery store after work, hide the jelly beans!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Benefits Shmenefits

Had a benefits meeting at work... not something a lot of farmers deal with. One of the more corporate aspects of our job... both a positive and a negative. But I am so grateful for all the amazing benefits and perks I do get at my work, don't get me wrong.

The meeting, however, was a rude awakening. Suffice to say, going back to work part-time (that's the plan after maternity leave) puts a financial strain on things. And insuring a baby puts a strain on things. And rising insurance costs... they put a strain on things also.

How do families do it? Stay-at-home moms (or dads) with one bread-winner? Working moms and dads, paying for childcare? Insurance costs, rising rents/mortgages, etc. It's all so overwhelming. I know we'll work it out, but jeez.

Does anyone know much about HSAs and high-deductible (low premium) insurance plans?
Holla at me if you do.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Barefoot and Pregnant in the Kitchen

Well I wasn't actually barefoot but I was pregnant and in the kitchen. Gerard and Aby joined me, and we helped execute an amazing Farm to Table Dinner at work today. Got a little wet harvesting this morning, but it was fun! All the produce was provided by our farm, or minorly supplemented by other local farms. We did cut flower bouquets for the tables, etc. Everything was so fresh and good, and the food was well-received. Really neat working in a larger kitchen too... nice big gas stove, huge braiser/skillet, etc. Salad, bruschetta with crostini, a spanikopita with chard instead of spinach, ratatouille, herbed chicken, and a mixed fruit cobber a la mode! Yum! There was even some standing and clapping by diners! Pretty beat now, but it was an another good day for the pregnant farmer.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Brief Updates

Well yesterday was sweltering again. It was rough. But Aby made it all okay with another pie. Blackberry silk pie... so creamy, so amazing!

Today we switched gears a little and did some work on the hoophouse (passively heated greenhouse-type thing). We got a lot done, construction-wise and inside the tunnel, working on the beds. I like that. I like using the drill and taking things apart and rebuilding them. I even did some awesome kung-fu style high kicks during some of the demolition. Yes, I was being careful!! Don't worry! It was the most efficient way to do what I was doing. Kung-fu style, yes indeed. I'm a kung-fu pregnant mama. Amy said it was pretty badass; I'm not the only one who thought so. =)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Baby Quilt

Here's the top piecing for the baby quilt I wrote about a few days ago. I like it a lot, though it's rather bold! Not exactly soothing. Still cool. Gerard and I picked the fabrics together which was fun. Now I will either quilt it myself or have it quilted at the store. If I do the latter, I can have a neat design stitched into the quilting.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kitchen Catastrophes and Conquests

The jam I made yesterday fermented! We have blackberry-raspberry jam with some kick! Why?!? Based on what I've read, it seems it could be because I reduced the sugar amount... but it was crazy, I didn't want to use that much sugar. I keep trying to figure this jam thing out... to get it to gel the way I want it to, keep trying new things, new recipes. This time I used the pectin, but I screwed up with the sugar. Too many variables!

Other kitchen projects in the making...

A ground pork/roasted poblano cornbread tamale pie/casserole type thing. With sweet plaintains on the side. Yum! We got inspiration from a recipe, but are doing our own thing with it. I think it will be delicious.

Gerard's on the canned pickled beets. A lot of people don't like beets... give fresh homegrown beets a try! They are so good. Even more so in the late fall, after a frost has sweetened them even more. If you're really daring you can shred them raw into salad or with cheese and crostini. I love roasted beets, with rosemary, olive oil, and other root veggies. This season I realized how much I even like boiled beets with a little salt and pepper, maybe a splash of vinegar. And we're fans of the pickled as well.

FYI, at the grocery store today, my impulse buy was jelly beans. I also really wanted to buy pudding, but we're going to look into making it from scratch. =)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Day

Had a great day. Some people think all farmers do is work from dawn to dusk, 7 days a week. But we've created a model that works well for us, that we think may keep us from burning out. It involves working reasonable hours, and limiting weekend work, so that we rest and spend time with friends/family in addition to toiling away at our labor of love.

Woke up, well-rested, made jam. (Though being on my feet wasn't fun.)
Gerard and I went to the farmers' market to pick up our fruit share and a few other things. We got even more fruit than last week! Craziness. Peaches, plums, apples, yum! Stopped by the farm to do some watering and then headed home.

TCB at home and then went to a Union soccer game at the new stadium near us. It was a belated Christmas gift for my brother-in-laws. It was fun. Hadn't seen those boys in while. One quit smoking the night we told him we were pregnant, another just quit about a month ago. My own bro is getting off the nicorette gum. I'm so proud of all of them! That's 3 out of 4 smoking siblings... just one more to go.

Gerard and I got into silly thing b/c I wanted popcorn and he came back with fries without ketchup, etc. etc. but it was no big thing. I'm telling you though, if you're pregnant, and you do have a specific craving, sometimes the only person you can trust to acquire the food needed is yourself. No offense Gerard! Sue and Rob were also at the game and so we met up with them in the 2nd half, which was a good time.

Then dinner at Gerard's work and now, fruit salad and t.v. Definitely busy... but fun-filled. Looking forward to more sleep, and some good cooking/canning in the kitchen tomorrow.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kingdom Come

I've always been pretty mininimalist when it comes to my bed. We have a full, that just sits on the box spring on the floor. No fancy bedding, 1 pillow a person. That kind of thing.

We've outgrown that bed though. I was getting really bummed as Gerard had to start moving to the futon or the floor, and we were both losing more sleep these past few weeks.

We were in the insane land of Ikea last night, and bought a super comfy KING size mattress and a frame (yay! extra storage under the bed). We are so psyched. I had reservations about a king; it felt so decadent and over-the-top. But it is hard to tell much difference between a full and queen. A queen's actually only 6 inches wider, surprisingly.

I've been taking up more room with my pregant body, plus I have to use all these extra body pillows to help with my aches and pains. There's been lots of tossing and turning on my end. And, we don't really want to cosleep with the baby, but figure he/she will be in the bed a fair amount of the time... so we went for it. I'm also hoping it will be a better mattress for my back/neck. I feel like I'm going to want to live in my new bed, so HAPPY!

Can't wait to set it up! Ger has to put the frame together, and the mattress is outgassing on the balcony, to air out noxious chemicals and odors. The anticipation is killing us both!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Farming Pregnant or Playing Hooky

I had to work late Tuesday night and Friday night this week, plus I have weekend watering, so I decided to take a day off today! It's been a while. I woke up, feeling groggy and like I didn't want a day off. I didn't know what to do with myself.

But I got into working on my baby quilt a bit... it's nearly done! Well the top piecing is anyway. Will post photos soon. And I had a chiropractic appointment. These old bones have been pretty jacked up lately, so that was good. I left feeling like things opened up more, and noticed less back/leg pain as a I walked. Did some grocery shopping. No exciting impulse buys. Got some tamari almonds that are way too soy sauce-y!

When I got home, I made salsa verde for later and continued work on the quilt. Now I'm enjoying an iced decaf with some of the chocolate-mint simple syrup G made. Yum. Gonna head to prenatal yoga soon, while Gerard heads to Dragonboat practice.

All in all, a good day. Taking care of some business, and taking care of myself. Signing off, MM

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lunch & Dinner

Ate lots of delicious junk at the Phillies game today:
Crab fries with cheese, pizza, and soda.
They won by the way! It was really exciting in the beginning.
Then I kind of lost energy as the game went on.
It got pretty close by the end but they pulled it off.
So anyway we're taking it down a notch for dinner:
Hydrating with lots of water with lemon,
enjoying a lovely salad with
heirloom tomato, carrots, pepper, head lettuce, peppercorn cheese
dressed with walnut oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
And a fruit salad with a bunch of fruit from our fruit share/farmers' market:
watermelon, peaches, apples, plums, maple yogurt, honey, and wheat germ.
YUM! I feel better now that I'm putting some good stuff back in my body!
Have a good week, y'all!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Time Flies

Sleeping a little better since I last bloggged. Still get a wake-up at 4 or 4:30 that sometimes I can go back to sleep from, sometimes not. But I've been feeling more well-rested nonetheless.

Today we move into the 3rd trimester! 90 more days till the due date. Crazyness. I can't believe my sister's baby is going to turn 1 in less than a month! It's no joke how fast all this happens! We visited a friend who just had her baby a few weeks ago, and she said she rolled over today!! What?! These kids are doing the darndest things!

The baby's getting fatter and more hairy =) in the 28th week, and the brain is becoming more and more complex, grooves and indentations are forming, and the brain tissues are increasing. Grow, baby, grow!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tired Tuesday

I couldn't sleep past 3 a.m. last night so my day didn't start off great. I mean, the day wasn't particularly bad, I was just hella tired and I was pretty beat yesterday as well. Amy let me hang in the share room while she did some more of the field work this afternoon, which was really nice and a big help. Thanks Amy!

We've skipped the sleepy teas the past couple nights and I think they make a big difference. Maybe they put the baby to sleep too... his/her incessant kicking doesn't help my sleep situation. =) I have acupuncture tonight which always is quite relaxing, I'm getting the beautiful baby treatment at the acupuncture appointment which happens at the transition between trimesters and is said to ensure a healthy baby and also helps the momma through calming the mind and building the blood. The point is translated as "guest-building," perhaps meaning the little guest inhabiting my body right now, and is stimulated with a golden needle! Very special! So with the acupuncture, plus some hops-mint-lavender sleepy tea Gerard already brewed up, I should be in good shape for a solid rest tonight.

Despite my sleepy stupor, I was still inspired to do a little picking at the farm at the end of the day. Gorgeous cherry tomatoes, raspberries, blackberries, and some really nice sunflowers that just started blooming. Grateful for the work I do, and the abundant beauty I help create and deeply benefit from.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mr. Softee

It was a good Monday today. Got a lot of work in the office done, while our crew took care of business on the farm. And we did a lot of the final fall seeding in the greenhouse in the afternoon... bok choi, lettuce heads, and pea tranplants.

Then, an ice cream truck came and all employees got free ice cream! Who could ask for anything more? Of course, we all went a little overboard and got sundaes, which ultimately left us feeling a little sick, but still, what a treat!!

Gerard and I also had a prenatal appointment which is always fun (even when I have to get blood drawn like I did today!). We get to ask the midwives any questions/bring up any concerns, listen to the baby's heartbeat, etc. I always leave feeling so healthy, and like everything's progressing so well. It's reassuring. I gained 5 pounds, my blood pressure is great, and all is well. The baby seemed happy too... lots of dancing around in utero all last night, all day today, and during the appointment as well. =)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is What a Pregnant Farmer Looks Like!

What! What! Shout out to G and everything, Glenside or my hubby, depending on how you want to read it.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Pregnant Waitress

My friend sent me the link to this blog, "The Pregnant Waitress." The blogger is cool, her logo is really awesome. If anyone wants to make me a similar progressively pregnant farmer logo, I would love it! Her labor story is funny too, or at least how her water broke. =)

And she isn't a stranger to farming either. Here's a link to one of her farming posts www.thepregnantwaitress.com/?p=416. She has another post called "The Pregnant Farmer," when she goes to volunteer at her old farm when she's 7(?) months pregnant. A girl after my own heart.

I can't believe the due date countdown is already less than 100 days. Crazyness. By the way, according to our online sources, the babe is 14.5 inches and just over 2 lbs, and it can now open and close it's eyes. The lids were fused shut up till now.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


The week keeps getting better. My mood is much improved. The humidity today was still hard to handle, but it's fun when we can all commiserate together and laugh about how much Adam and I sweat.

I've been realizing how alive the farm is lately! There have been so many gold finches, and I think literally hundreds of swallowtails, as well as other butterflies, moths, and bumblebees, honeybees, etc. If you sit still and just listen, you can hear their vibrating buzzing all around you. And the flowers that they're perched on are looking so gorgeous! We took it all in today, taking photos and just wandering the garden. Hopefully I'll pick some nice bouquets tomorrow too.

These are the things that sometimes we're too busy to pay attention to, but they're so significant. Diversity on the farm is so important to us. We try to have a bunch of flowering plants at all times, in order to attract all these different types of pollinators. A diversity of species matters so much ecologically, not to mention how much we appreciate their service pollinating our vegetable plants. I was definintely diggin' the farm today, no pun intended.

I came home with a lovely looking eggplant and made delicious eggplant parm with homegrown sauce and tomatoes. That sandwich just hit the spot. And now, for dessert. Impulse buy at the store: double chocolate chip cream cake. Served with a nice tall glass of milk. Oh no! At least I'm getting some calcium in!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Better day today than yesterday. Still funkified though, and still working on cultivating joy (in addition to all the veggies). And trying to see this pregnancy as the honor it is. It's hard to keep that in perspective sometimes, when there are so many ailments tied to it as well.

I was reading about how negativity and stress/anxiety can affect the baby's brain development and have repercussions down the line. The brain starts getting signals (via negative emotions) like "It's a dangerous world out there," and then evolves accordingly. A brain wired for stress is supposedly reactive, impulsive, and short on attention. Dunno, perhaps it's all hogwash. But I think the best thing for the baby is to stay as calm, and content as possible. The Japanese have the phrase "Tykio," meaning "think pleasant thoughts."

I'm making my nice home-cooked meal tonight since it didn't pan out last night. Roasted shoulder of lamb from a local farmer that raises the lamb on pasture, and humanely. And balsalmic honey-glazed carrots from the farm, with some couscous on the side. Dessert? Either ice cream, or more local fruit with yogurt and honey. Hoping to enjoy dinner and some baby kickin' time with G when he gets home. Now, when the baby kicks, not only can we both feel it, we can see my stomach pulse out too! Pretty wild.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mondays... blegh!

The weekend in NY was great, really nice to see old friends. It was ridiculously hot though... we just went from one air conditioned place to another: restaurant to movie theatre to bookstore to beer garden to restaurant, etc.

Then it was back to the grind. Mondays have always been hard for me... the start of the work week. I'm still tired, feel like I haven't rested enough over the weekend, thinking about all the work that lies ahead. It's getting especially more challenging as my pregnancy woes reach a fever-pitch. Fatigue, back/sciatic pain, shortness of breath, heartburn, what-have-you. I don't always want to be moaning about being a pregnant farmer, b/c it's also amazing and I'm really proud. But it's tough. Especially on Mondays. =)

We did get a lot done today, even though I felt like I was moving slow. And we had much nicer weather than we've had in a while. Gotta be grateful for that. But I was still in a funk. And by the end of the day, I was trying to just enjoy the U-Pick garden and get some things for a nice home-cooked dinner, when I got sandwiched between some sunflowers and some cherry tomatoes and I got stung by a bumblebee!

As if that wasn't enough, I got ready to go, and realized my purse and keys had been accidentally locked in the office. I had no way to get in the office and no way to start my car to head home. I just wanted to go home! I had to wait for Gerard to come with a key, and dinner plans were subsquently foiled as I lost too much time and did not have the energy to start dinner after all that. Gerard's plans for Dragon Boat practice were also foiled. We are eating pizza and fries (sorry baby) as I write and going to watch TV. Sorry Ger, and thanks!

I can't believe how much worse the day got as it went on! But the thing with these funks is, the negativity breeds more negativity. I know this; but sometimes it's hard for me to get out of it. I feel like on some level, I willed the bee sting and the car lockout with my bad attitude. C'est la vie. I'm hoping to fall asleep tonight, sleep well and wake up with a new attitude. Wish me luck.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bright Lights Big City

Lil' pregnant farmer's going to the Big Apple! Gerard and I are going to NY for weekend to see some friends of mine from college and high school. Should be fun, nice to get away, but it's gonna be another hot one! Yikes! Lots of cool drinks and air conditioning I hope.

The week ended with a bang: planting broccoli, huge harvest, tractor work, lots and lots of heat and humidity. The whole crew's pretty dead. Hoping for a cooler week next week. Until then, sionara suckers!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Physical and Mental Health Day

I couldn't sleep more than a few hours last night so when my alarm went off at 5:30 and I felt like hell I decided to call and let everyone know I'd be coming in late. This is not my style; I feel bad, it feels wierd. But this is what pregnant farmers have to do! (Or even just ordinary people who want to take care of themselves).

Anywho, I went in later, had a pretty low impact day, though I was able to get completely drenched in sweat as we had another 90+, humid day. And apparently they're calling for more heavy rain (which probably won't cool anything down b/c that's the new norm). This isn't what Aby and I need or want at the farm. Ah well.

Then I left a little early becuase I had scheduled an urgent chiropractic appointment to try to deal with my sciatica. The doc specializes in perinatal chiropractic work. I haven't had chiropracty in a while, but it went really well. We talked a lot about posture changes I might try to make, as well as just simply slowing down and being mindful of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. Basically he just reiterated that my body is kind of falling apart a little due to the increase in relaxin in my body. Certain muscles can't do what they used to and other muscles/ligaments are trying to compensate, resulting in tension and overstretching. I feel a lot better than before I went in, and will set up more appointments as needed/the budget will allow.

After that I quickly stopped by the grocery store to pick up some odds and ends. Impulse buys while there: baked organic cheese puffs, natural grapefruit soda, and Armenian string cheese (the most delicious stuff on earth!). YUM!

Home for a quick shower and then back out for a hair appointment. My hair feels liberated and smells like the salon's delicious Moroccon musky shampoo... what an amazing turn-around in my day.

I feel grounded and at peace. Wishing the same for all of you. Be well.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another Don't for the List

Don't bring a crapload of tomatoes home to process/can when Gerard isn't around to help and you were already pretty done with the day by noon.

I am eating dinner now, with my feet up, so I am relatively happy. But there is a big mess in the kitchen and tomatoes that have yet to be dealt with and my sweetness is going to have to pick it up from there. Oops...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Watermelon in my Belly!

Gerard read the other day that my uterus will grow to the size of a large watermelon by the end of the pregnancy. I can't stop thinking about this as we harvest watermelons and canteloupe on the farm. Of course, the watermelons we grow don't get that big, but still it got me thinking.

The uterus before pregnancy is the size of a fist. Now, in my 25th week, it is the size of a soccer ball. I don't feel like it looks like I have something the size of a soccer ball in me, but that's what they say. And it just keeps getting bigger, expanding with the baby, and when we welcome our little melon-head into the world, it will contract back to a little bigger than it's original size, within 8-10 weeks. It's all so fascinating.

Maybe I will name her Crimson Sweet, or Sugar Baby. Moon and Stars? Hmm...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Catcher

This is what I want my midwife to look like catching my baby... full of glee with a little bit of crazy mixed in. Haha.

Having a nice weekend, though it is still hot! We had an event at the farm yesterday, with a tour, panel, cooking demo/lunch. This was organized by Katie Cavuto Boyle, a local caterer/cafe owner. It was really great. People were excited about the farm, had lots of questions. Then I took a SOLID nap, which I never have time to do, and then back to the farm for an outdoor movie night. We watched "Big Night," which Gerard and I decided is definitely one of our all time favorites.

Got a lot of sleep last night and thankfully don't have too much on the agenda. I have to do a quick water at the farm, but beyond that I'm open. Maybe I will work on my baby registry or my never-ending project, the t-shirt quilt. Hasta luego!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dos and Don'ts

When you're farming, you often get so caught up in your day that you realize "I haven't drank any water!" or you say to yourself "Don't hold it in ANY longer... go pee!" Maybe you're thinking, if you're not drinking, you shouldn't have to pee but stranger things have happened, believe you me. Anywho, things just get so hectic and crazy, and you get into a rhythm, you don't want to stop to do anything.

These are things I can't afford to do pregnant. I HAVE to drink A LOT of water; it's really important. Especially with the hot hot spring and summer we've been having. And I HAVE to pee when I have to pee (increased chances of getting UTI when pregnant), which is a VERY LOT MORE OFTEN than when not pregnant. This is due to increased blood pumping through the body, ultimately leading to increased fluid processed by the kidneys and ending up in the bladder. Also, there is additional pressure on the bladder as the baby and uterus grow.

In general I just have to take more breaks more often. To snack, as pregnant women are told to increase their caloric intake about 300, and I need to take in a bit more because I'm so active. Also to cool down if I'm out in the sun too long. And just to rest. I push push push and I realize it's taking a toll on my body. Another interesting thing that happens during pregnancy is the body produces much more of the hormone relaxin, which essentially relaxes and makes more elastic the ligaments and joints, ultimately aiding to loosen things up during the birth. But if you're doing a lot of strenuous work, with less stability and strength in the joints and tissues, you can strain things more easily and hurt yourself. This is also true of the abdominal and core muscles, which must loosen and expand to allow for the growing uterus.

Where am I going with all of this? Nowhere really. Just sharing some things I've learned. And realizing how hard it is for me to come to terms with some of this. I am used to working, and working hard. If something needs to get done, I just do it. I am trying so hard to navigate all this and respect my body. Ask for more help, lift fewer 40 and 50 lb. lugs of produce. It's not easy. But it's important. But don't let people tell you can't stay physically active, you can! If you were slothful prior to pregnancy, don't go running any marathons. But medically, I have been told and have read you can continue doing what you're used to doing, just keep being mindful of your body and what it's telling you. And it's good to stay active and stay strong.

But, this whole taking breaks thing can be a slippery slope. Especially with all these 90+ degree days, and excessive heat warnings. If I give myself an inch, I want to take a mile. I DON'T FEEL LIKE DOING A DANG THING ANY MORE, EVER AGAIN. Know what I mean? I was at the farm for 13 hours today. This is rare, but nonetheless, there I was. In that smothering heat. Not something I want to sign on to do again. But Aby brought lemon icebox pie for lunch, with an Oreo cookie crust and our farm raspberries and whipped cream on top and it made it all worthwhile. Thanks Ab. TGIF.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Earlier this Season

When I first found out I was pregnant in early March, there was no way I could keep it from Aby, my partner in crime at the farm. So the morning Gerard and I saw the plus sign on the pregnancy test, I brought a couple old "Congrats" balloons from a friend's recent party into work and played this song on the computer (http://www.starbittrune.com/Jack/littlepotato.html), hitting the balloons around our office, saying "You know what this means! You know what this means!" and making eyes at her. She did not get it right away but I wouldn't say anything else. Then she got it and we hugged and we've been in shock pretty much ever since. It's funny how I still haven't gotten used to it. It's so amazing and strange that I have a little baby growing in my body. I feel so different, but I also feel the same, and I'm used to growing tangible things that I look at every day, water, weed, nourish, etc. I'm doing similar things for my baby, but the whole process is all so invisible and mysterious. Plus in those first few months, your body is not necessarily changing all that much externally, so it's even harder to believe what's going on inside.

We were hired to manage a farm on land we don't own, so we actually have a supervisor that is usually relatively behind the scenes. I did have to notify work about my news, which I did at 3 months, and I was a little nervous. The boss man was very happy for me, and we chatted about pregnancy, and parenthood, discussed what my plans were down the line.

But I do remember, God love him, he also said I did not yet have the pregnancy glow. He is not the only man to have told me this. Gentlemen, a word of advice: you need not ever tell any pregnant woman that she is not exuding the pregnancy glow. In the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How rude!".

At some point, when I was not showing much, but my jeans were not necessarily super comfortable, I was rocking my husband Gerard's jeans a lot at work. These were quite holey in the knees. I got a little talking to about that, as believe it or not, we can't wear whatever grungy holey clothes we want to at the farm. I was quite offended again; this was all that fit!

Where was a pitchfork when a woman needed one? I'd like to introduce him to the nice healthy glow of those steel tines! Nonetheless, I went to the thrift store after work and picked up some more jeans.

Beyond that, in those early months, I don't remember too much in the way of pregnant farmin' stories. I wasn't getting sick, but I wasn't feeling great. I was tired and nauseous, but work had still not picked up too too much. Aby and I start moving out of the office, and into the fields a bit more that time of year, and we just kept plugging away at the tasks at hand. I think she remembers me getting a little wobbly and wierd while pruning raspberries. On the homefront, Gerard and I were enjoying telling more friends and family after 3 months, and learning what changes were happening with the baby and my body week to week.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Intro to Farmin' Pregnant

I am almost 24 weeks pregnant. I manage an organic CSA farm with my best friend, Aby. This is physically and emotionally challenging work, as is baby-making. Although I am happy for the fresh air, exercise, and access to nutritious food, especially while pregnant, this has definitely not been as easy as I might have originally thought. Heck, I pretty much planned the pregnancy around the farm season (many of you may know farmers can be slight workaholics), thinking "Oh this will be perfect! I'll be pregnant during the whole farm season, work as I've always worked and when the baby is ready to come, the season will be winding down and I can take a rest!" To boot, this goes with the assumption that life with a newborn is restful. I never said I wasn't naive.

As my pregnancy has progressed, I've wondered about all the other pregnant farmers out there. I never hear much about them! I know they're out there. When I google such things, info about lambing or Farmville comes up, or bad news stories about violence against pregnant farm workers (Not what I want to be reading). I'm interested in sharing my experiences, and hearing about other people's. Challenges, funny stories, whatever. I'll try to do a little bit of backtracking to bring you up to speed, as I will be moving into my 3rd trimester fairly soon.

Also, I've never blogged and don't know anything about uploading photos, designing blogs, and don't have much time for it, so hopefully you can deal with the basics. Eventually hopefully I'll get a little more creative.